Sketchbooking and Podcasting

Do you listen while you work or are you quiet, thoughtful, meditative? When I’m in the studio working on some sort of (hopefully) creative installment, I tend to go for music. Lately, however, I’ve become quite addicted to podcasts. Artists and makers talking about everything I’m thinking and wondering and worried about and dreaming of. Who wouldn’t love that?

Previous image in progress.
(By the way, this sketch began in pencil and ended with pen cross hatching.)

My new favorite podcast is The Savvy Painter and since I’ve been in catch up mode, I recently listened to an episode regarding what else, The 100 Day Project. (I know. I’m immersed.) During the interview they discussed choosing a narrowed focus and how, if you are too broad, you’ll lose interest and drop the project. I went broad – #ExploreCreativity – and because I tend to freak out about my level of commitment, I, well, freaked out. But then I decided to stick to my guns.

Personally speaking, I will not stay with the project if it’s restrictive as my creative heart (lately) has been all over the map. My goal isn’t WHAT I do specifically, but THAT I do something creative each day. So. Fingers crossed.


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