two new bags and a story of the dmv trip from hell...

Eco Recycled Leather Crossbody Bags
(teaser photo. read on.)

You're probably saying, "All DMV trips are straight from hell!" But I'm not sure you can top this story.

After circling the parking lot to find an open space, I checked into the local Georgia DMV at 9:53, #193. I sat down and looked up at the screen. It read, "Now serving #131." The lady beside me said she had been there since 8:00 and she was #148. Yep. 

After two hours I gave up and left. (I know. But I did the math!) I went and got lunch. Ran some errands and decided to drive back to the DMV. I sat back down. The board read, "Now serving #179." I felt hopeful.

When my number was finally called, the gentleman asked if I wanted the five or eight year license (he said the eight year was almost double the cost). I said the eight year.

Pulled into my driveway at 3:00. WITH my driver's license. Booyah! I declared that 3:00 was 5:00 in the state of Georgia and cracked open a beer. I deserved it.

Then I proceeded to photograph a much happier state.

Eco Recycled Leather Crossbody Bags

Eco Recycled Leather Crossbody Bags

They are both very similar in materials but "a" is slightly narrower than "b".  God willing, these two recycled leather crossbody bags will head to the shop tonight.

Your turn. Does the prospect of a DMV visit give you the hives?


  1. That is unbelievable. Every DMV visit is always miserable, but I must admit, I've never had to wait longer than 30" or so. Why so bad? You must not be paying enough state taxes! :)

  2. Hahaha! That's it! The man said that everyone from Atlanta comes north to avoid a crowd and it backfires. Sheesh.

  3. I saw the title of your post in my reader, and before I even got here to read the post, I said, "All DMV trips are straight from hell!" :-) I have not once been there, and been able to get in and out in a timely or even remotely timely way. I dread it!!

    These bags would make me very happy. :-) Just wonderful, Lori.

  4. I get more than hives! Shakes & shivers, cold sweats, you name it.Whew!

  5. The last time I went to the DMV, I had to spend two hours at the social security office first. You can see just how special that day was by my drivers license photo!

    Your bags are beautiful!

  6. I like the distressed leather look of the bag and the cross-over strap.

  7. Shen I lived in my home state, we used to go to an outlying farming village that had a DMV. The wait was shorter. The drive was worth it! Now I live in a bigger city and I just deal with it!

    Love the bags!!


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