the essentials...

Handmade Sketchbook


And so it begins again. This time, Atlanta is prepared. All is quiet as no one wants to spend another torturous seven hours trapped in a car, on a grocery store floor, camped out on a school gym floor.

Blankets. Food. Charged phone. Russian tea. A fireplace for warmth (yay!). Books. Sketchbook.

Are you in the zone? In the zone or not, what are your essential items?


  1. They are predicting about 8" where I live though there is a good possibility that we will get more. (Weather folks tend to hedge their bets up here!) If we keep power, I am all set with plenty of fabric and projects. If we loose power, I have a huge skein of yarn that has been calling my name. If we lose power for a long time, I have a sister with four wheel drive that will send her husband to pick me up so that I can bask in the warmth of THEIR fireplace! Be safe and stay warm!!

  2. Suzan - I like! Sounds like a fantastic plan to me. They're saying power outages could be our biggest problem here. I'm thankful that we have a gas grill...just have to remember to grind coffee and I'll be good. :)

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  4. Hi, Lori - I think we may miss the snow /ice in my area this time but North Mississippi may be getting it. But I did go to the grocery store last night just in case. Enjoy the fireplace and the down time if you get snowed in. Be safe.

  5. We're kind of used to this here, but we still make sure that we have plenty of food and water. I've heard we're in for another round on Friday. It's been a tough winter for sure.

    Stay safe, Lori.

  6. Oh my, I'm so glad you all are ready this time. We have had a few of those nasty 'surprises' here in the PNW. Years ago, hubby was at work and it started snowing at lunch time in Portland and everyone left work at the same time to get home...6 hrs. on the freeways with some abandoning their vehicles..ugh.
    Stay safe and warm. xo

  7. I am in the zone. My essentials are chocolate,& my kindle. I'm glad you reminded me about the phone. Stay warm.


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