my sketchbook: an exercise in patience and vanity...

An Exercise in Patience and Vanity

Life is a study in patience. Don't you think?

I continue to learn patience and balance when it comes to my arms and their never ending attempt to control my life. This week I concede, sit back, knit and sketch as I wait for said appendages to say, "We're done. Go back to whatever it is that you do to put us in such pain." And so it begins again.

If you've joined me on Instagram, you may have accused me of...

Vanity. Not really. Although I do feel like a doodling seventh grader as I write my name with as many variations as possible - an exercise suggested in this fantastic book (which will be used as a guidebook for many years to come).

An Exercise in Patience and Vanity

An Exercise in Patience and Vanity

An Exercise in Patience and Vanity

An Exercise in Patience and Vanity

An Exercise in Patience and Vanity

If you do follow me, prepare yourself for more exercises in vanity. And patience. But mostly vanity. :)


  1. I love your doodles and I, too, enjoy doodling my name in various versions! Patience sure is a task we have to fulfill on a daily! May yours be strong and may the outcome be whatever you wish for. xxx

  2. I'm sorry about your pains Lori. I have had lessons in patience but in a different way. We are on our 7th snow day since the new year began and although I don't have little kids, I feel like I have never obtained a good routine. Plus other family issues that are taking a lot of my time. I have accepted that this is part of my life and I'm thankful that I can be flexible enough to handle the ebb and flow of life (and business.) But it is hard for productive people to sit back and not feel like they are "accomplishing" something. I think I'd totally give in and watch the entire series of "Larkrise to Candleford"....(as I did last year with my daughter!) That is time well-spent!

  3. Thank you Chrissy. It is fun, isn't it?

  4. Jane, thank you. I hope that life is becoming balanced for you as well. And I am going to check out that series now! I've also been told to check out a series called "Call the Midwife".

  5. I love calligraphy.fonts.lettering. I was a one-time would-be calligrapher. Still do it here and there. I think that is what attracts me to your prints so. That and the colors and the free form free spirited way you have about you. Keep doing what you are doing! Enjoy the day. Erin

  6. Lori, I SO love the style of the last set here.

    I am sorry about your arms, and I hope that they're feeling all better really soon.


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