
Watercolor Initials
Don't know about you, but after all the snowy white and rainy gray days, this girl is ready for some color. Blue skies. Wild flowers. Green grass. (sigh) Maybe that's why the logo needed a shot of color. (notice a few blog changes?)

Watercolor Initials
I sprinkled on purpose.
And smeared...

Watercolor Initials
Know the feeling the moment you do something you regret? Like, for instance, swiping your hand across a fresh watercolor? No? Only me?

This would be one of those moments when I'm truly thankful for Photoshop. 

From the studio...

Recycled Leather Pouch

I must be in a pouch mood these days. Really need to get some new bags in the shop. But the pouches. It's been a long time since I've added those little leather petals. This leather pouch will head to the shop tonight.


  1. colour does it for me too; instantly drew me to your post; love the colours you used, and I like the spatter effect, but I couldn't bring myself to smear.... :)

  2. We have color where I live. We definitely have blue skies, but mostly the color right now is brown. brown. brown. brown. I too am ready for some brighter color. I just recently found your Etsy shop, blog and Facebook page, and so very glad I did. I love your art and your bags, especially the pouches. Now I'm off to read your previous blog posts. Have to catch up! :)

  3. Thank you so much for your sweet, encouraging words of support, Donna!

    And Carole, I don't blame you for avoiding smears. If it were possible, so would I. ;)


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