sophie's weekend in pics...

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
The family and I went to the mountains.
(Oreo didn't get to come. Clearly I'm their favorite.)

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
They prevented me from tasting this...but it smelled interesting.

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
Sunday was warm enough for the humans. So we went outside.
But the man had a loud saw...very loud. I hid.

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
Hid like mountain laurel in the winter...anyway...

Sophie's Weekend in Pics

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
Then he brought out the quiet cutters to cut away the briars.
So many briars! Quiet cutters are a good thing. Briars...not so good.

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
The humans heard something. (I heard it first)

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
They started talking and jumping around which made me bark...a little.

Sophie's Weekend in Pics

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
A large bath! And drinking source! Cold but tolerable.
The humans were thrilled. Not sure why. They bathe inside. Stupid humans.

Sophie's Weekend in Pics
Then we went home. The end.

How was your weekend? Find any large watering holes?


  1. Sounds like everyone had a lot of fun - especially Sophie!!!

  2. Any watering holes we have are frozen solid! :-(
    This is such a sweet post, Lori.

  3. Well, Sophie, you had a much more interesting weekend than I had! It was just too cold here to go out.


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