looking ahead with a new focus...

2014 Word - Focus
Do you thrive on order? I sure do. But after a dismal 2011 followed by the oddity and slow recovery of 2012-2013, work and life have become terribly discombobulated and scattered.  

Therein lies my reasoning for 2014's word - focus. Focus. Focus. FOCUS.

Here's the plan... 

2014 Word - Focus

Focus on: Art. Now that my dream of in studio printing has come to fruition, I'll continue my goal of focusing more and more on making and exploring art - my first love.

2014 Word - Focus

• Focus on: Learning. (join me?) - here and here - for starters.

2014 Word - Focus

• Focus on: Creativity. Specifically, creativity with handbags & accessories. Sadly, it's been on the back burner since my life spiraled out of focus. Looking back at my early bags & accessories and exploring past inspiration helps me to ignite that fire once again. Have you tried it?

2014 Word - Focus

Focus on: Planning. Nothing is etched in stone. If I've learned anything in the past three years, it's that expecting your life to go as planned is terribly unrealistic. But. With a "roll with the punches" focus and attitude, planning will save my sanity. Enter some semblance of order through realistic planning.

Since I'm trying to focus on both art and bags, time management has become a thorn in my side. Thinking that I can turn out five bags in one week along with painting and blogging will cause burn out in no time. So, the plan is realistic. My goal is to alternate between art and bags - maybe daily but probably weekly but with a focus and "realistic" plan.

So, that's it in a nutshell, except for the annual renewing of my "commitment" to exercise daily. (cough, cough)

Thoughts of a brand new year excite me. After all, it's a new beginning! 

How about you? Do you have a word and a plan for the new year?


  1. Wishing you a good year ahead Lori. Foremost may you be healthy, and then may all your plans come through! :-)

  2. 'Focus is definitely a good word for the year. Other than the usual, (getting fitter/healthier etc), my main resolution for 2014 is to bring more colour into my life, mainly in the things I wear, I go for the default black or white or shades of grey, and quite frankly I'm a bit bored with it, so I suppose my word of the year could be 'Chroma'. Happy new year to you and yours, I hope your 2014 in happy and prosperous...and focused.

  3. No words or resolutions for me, but I am so looking forward to the new year. A new year is always so full of possibilities, and I love that!

    I wish you a wonderful New Year, Lori!

  4. Wishing you a happy and focused New Year, Lori! I'm still trying to decide what I will do in the new year.

  5. Happy New Year, Lori! My word for 2014 is "transformation". From my appearance to my business, there will be a lot of transformation. With transformation I am also anticipating growth and I am excited about all the possibilities!

  6. I did choose the word 'focus' a few years ago. It seems that no matter the word I choose, it ends up being a very challenging thing indeed! Last year was balance, and to say that I have felt off-kilter all year long is an understatement! I want to choose a word - or rather have a word choose me - but it has not become apparent yet. I need to get out of a funk and get moving forward. I hope that 2014 brings you many creative endeavors! I will enjoy watching them unfold for you. Enjoy the day. Erin


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