a website update and other business musings...

updated website

How many of you business owners can relate? My poor website began collecting so much dust that I forgot the password. Knowing that it was overdue for a serious redo, I forced myself to sit and focus. And focus. And gripe...

After many many hours, I've finished the basic design. Please take a look and tell me what you think (with suggestions please!). I especially love the portfolio page but they're all feeling new and fresh.

Are you due for a redo? As someone once said, you just have to put your butt in the chair and do it! So, tell me...what's on your overdue list?

*NOTE* My website is hosted by Wordpress and Bluehost. It's fairly complicated and had I been aware, I would have certainly checked out what Squarespace has to offer.


  1. Lori, your design always looks fresh and neat. I am loooong overdue for my website. I think sometimes projects that are large overwhelm me so that I never even start them. You are right - just have to sit my butt in the chair and do it. I love the portfolio page. I have been wanting to do something similar. Since much of my work is custom, I need to be able to show examples - so I need to have a good "go-to" place to showcase my work. Here's hoping I can set aside a day to focus on this because it sure is easy to keep putting it off. The other challenge is having the separate venues. My blog vs. the website. I have quasi-embedded them - but not to the level I would like. Agh!

  2. It looks wonderful! I love how everything flows. Overdue - creating my website. As technology terrifies me and I am very easily frustrated, this is a long "butt in the chair" deal. :)

  3. Courtney, if I weren't already paying for Wordpress and host for my site (which can be more complicated), I would certainly go with Squarespace for a website host. I love their templates plus you can have a shop right there on the site! My .02

  4. A nice clean look...love your "Studio" font. Would love to see some of your pretty hand drawn flowers in the masthead too... but that is all I could possibly suggest. Menu options look great.

  5. Very nice. I thought you had your own shopping cart. Only goes to prove I do not have a memory.

  6. I think your redo is great! I have been working on my own website. Starting to migrate away from Etsy. That is a scary thing. When I settled on Indiemade, I had tried out several others including Squarespace. They did have a great look, but they had too many glitches at the time. I think they may have gotten past that now. Worth looking into. But I do like the ease of my Indiemade site especially since I can have everything in one domain. Eventually. Ordering some new Moo cards this week that will help with the transition and might become some new branding for me. If nothing else it is a little shot in the arm of some color and fun for packaging. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the day. Erin


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