tgif...and just in case...

an instagram week
A big TGIF today. I'll share a bit of instagram and a thought. Please chime in if you feel so inclined.

It's been a freaking busy week here what with the art, bags and quite frankly, the family. I thought that when they grew up and moved away and went on trips and found things beside their parents to keep them occupied, well, I thought I'd have more time on my hands. Not the case. Just not the case.

Not the case. Or maybe it's just me.

Nope. It's them. Needy creatures. Do you find yourself consumed? Or is it just me?

And speaking of time, if you have time on your hands and are looking for something creative to do this weekend...

• This scarf is now on my "want to do" list.
• Want to organize the studio in this way.
• Learn yoga - like these dogs. Really.
• Get colorful and hang a swing in my home, like this.
• Okay, I may not have time, but I'm sure as hell making this.

And finally...
• Find some colorful fall jeans, like these.

Find a quiet corner, breathe deeply and...
have a lovely.


  1. It seems to go in waves at our home. Everyone is out, then one moves back to return to college a 2nd time. Then they are all out and one decides to buy a fixer upper and all is going well then they find out they are expecting twins and need to move in in half the time. Yup it's not you, but I do secretly love still being needed. Maybe not so much sometimes!

  2. Cath, I'll admit, I do like being needed. Most times. :)

  3. Silly girl! You really thought they leave and don't come back. But I agree with both of you that it is nice to be needed.


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