studio happenings (and a bit of this and that)

basil & rosemary
our basil & rosemary - still going strong despite cooler temperatures
(really...has anyone ever been able to kill rosemary?)

new pojects
on the agenda - recycled leather camera straps
(it's been on my agenda for some time now...still tweaking. thoughts?)

studio clippings
(at the end of the day)

recycled leather bag
sold the first crossbody. this is the second.
(my go-to bag - the first was for me and it was such a success, I decided to make more)

this and that
playing around
(after all, isn't that the important part of life?)

Psst...Have you seen my GIVEAWAY this week?
If so, be sure to hop over and toss your name in the hat!


  1. your camera strap is very creative Lori, and I really like your finale' photo too

  2. Camera straps? Camera straps???????? Yes please!!!!!

  3. I kill rosemary.

    Love the straps.

  4. Andrea! You made me laugh first thing this morning. :)

  5. Lori, The camera strap is awesome. I just need the camera to go with it! Actually, this is at the top of my Christmas list ... well, better said, it's the only thing on my Christmas list. :-) Always love your photographs!

  6. I discovered that rosemary does not "winter over" in Pennsylvania. I had no idea. My rosemary plant in Virginia looked like a shrub!


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