roots and flying the coop and a mother's worrisome nature

deep roots and moving on

I recently divided and repotted an expanding aloe plant and was shocked to find that there was almost no root base at all. Too much water from a too wet summer? Or is this just it's way? I don't have enough of a green thumb to know the answer. At any rate, they seem to be holding their own. First shocked but now beginning to thrive in their new homes so I'm inclined to believe the latter. Maybe.

deep roots and moving on

This weekend didn't turn out at all as planned. (studio. painting.) Instead we suddenly found that my model's long awaited university apartment has become available. She's moving on. Flying the coop. Next week!

And so (instead of painting and sewing) we ran about like chickens with no heads all weekend. All of us. Even Dad.

I know. God knows it's time. They should fly the coop. I worry and fret. Dad worries (but hides it well). We both cry a little inside. Bittersweet.

Are her roots deep enough? Will she thrive? How often will we see her? And how much calling is too much?

Oh. Did I mention that she'll be living a whopping fifteen minutes away?

( the picture, she's working on a knock off of this. Turned out beautiful, btw)

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  1. Oh if I could only get one of mine back to 15 minutes away!

  2. What a perfect analogy with the plant!

    When Jamie went to live in the dorms last year, everyone kept asking me if I was sad and missed him. Of course I missed him, but I couldn't be sad - not even a little - because I was so thrilled and amazed that he was ABLE to start college on time and live on his own. After all he'd been through the previous 8 years and especially how bad he got in his jr and sr years of HS, it just felt like an absolute miracle that he was able to do something so normal as start his freshman year and live on campus. He just moved back into the dorms for his sophomore year, and I still feel overwhelmingly grateful.

    I know Jess went through some similar years where you doubted she'd ever be able to leave home. Just think back to those times and rejoice in the normalcy she is enjoying now.

    Our kids' roads to independence have been long and bumpy, Lori, but they are getting there!

    I am thrilled to hear she is able to live on her own and move into this new phase of life and so happy for all of you :)

    Now, enjoy that quiet house and empty nest!


    Book By Book

    Live with CFS

  3. I think aloe has a very shallow root base...most succulents do I think...

  4. Sue, you bet! I absolutely count our blessings as I didn't know if she'd ever be able to live normally. YAY and amen!!!

  5. Chief tests, thank you! I suspected that as the "mother' plant was thriving so.

  6. Geez. Darn auto correct. The last comment is directed to the Chieftess. NOT chief tests. Lol


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