goodbye and thank you

Around the House
Trickery. Trickery. I'm so guilty. But in my defense, this is a goodbye - if only for a week. I'm heading up to North Carolina to (finally after many attempts) finish clearing out my parent's home. So goodbye for a brief spell. And if you happen to drive by, Oreo is our protector and watch cat. (what about Sophie? You'll see)

As for the thank you...

A Special Thank You
I rarely win anything - so much so that I don't even enter giveaways. But I couldn't help trying for this lovely sketchbook and handmade cover created by talented artist and seamstress, Sofia from Paisley Farm. Lovely indeed.

A Special Thank You
Even the package was beautifully wrapped. Thank you sweet Sofia.
Psst...her lovely items can be found here.

A Special Thank You
Dear Sophie at her finest. Watchdog? Sophie?

See you next week!


  1. enjoyed your photos Lori and a lovely pickup the covered compendium. You will reap the rewards of your labours in completing your project at your parents home .... accomplishment

  2. Lovely journal!! and it is not an easy thing to clear out your parents home! Best to you in this project

  3. That sketchbook is really beautiful, Lori.
    Love your photos of Sophie.
    Have a good trip, and I'll "see" you when you return.

  4. My thoughts are will you. I am doing the same thing...luckily for me, my parents house is just down the street from me. But it isn't easy! So many memories...who gets what? Trash? Memory? Good luck. Hope all goes well., and be safe!

  5. Uggg....may the sweet memories you encounter pull you through this tough safe with all this nasty tropical rain...

  6. Dear Lori, I'm sending you lots of wishes to give you strength to accomplish this heavy task..
    You have some break protectors there, they'll look after things for you:).. I too don't enter, I'm so happy you wanted it bad enough to win it. It was meant to go to you, the collaboration of this gorgeous book and your awesome talent inside on the pages, yup it was meant for you:O).. Thanks for sharing and we'll see you when you get back to blog land..Big hugs..

  7. Hi Lori, I am glad you liked the sketchbook and wish you all the inspiration to be creative and resourceful!

  8. Aieee! :) I almost had a mild heart attack when I read your subject line in my newsfeed. Hehe. Have fun!


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