chaos, weeds and websites

Well hello! I'm still here, hovering around in the background, digging through the chaos I used to call a home. Seriously, we are thrilled to be under one roof and even if it doesn't look like it, there is order and a method to the madness.

A couple of weeks ago I sat and reworked my website. It still has such a long way to go but the bones are there. Wordpress is great but it's a bear to learn. I'm also trying to come up with a new, cohesive logo. What you see below is my best attempt yet but I know it will change. It's the nature of me. So, what do you think?

new website

new website

I've got about two more weeks of hovering to go before life returns to normal. So antsy to settle in and get some serious creative going with both art and bags. But until then, more unpacking and a short vacation with the family - YAY! leave you with a happy thought on this cloudy Monday, one of my favorite quotes...

weeds are flowers, too...
Taken with my iPhone - Image from Instagram

Have a beautiful Monday, folks. 


  1. There is always a method to our madness and it will be obvious soon. Oh honey the link doesn't work for your web site, tried googling still nothing.. Any way Lori hope you have a fabulous short vacation, just have fun and we'll see you when you can, big hugs Missy...

  2. The logo is looking good! I always love your pictures!! Have a great week.

  3. Don't be offended but the logo is just ok. But I still love all of your art. The logo needs more "pop". I hope no one is mad at me for that.

  4. Totally not mad Mergie! Thats exactly the kind of honest input I hope for. Thank you. :-)

  5. Enjoy your vacation with your family! I am jealous - we are normally on vacation at this time of year but have one son recovering from surgery and another taking a summer class at college, so we have to wait for August. And their spring breaks no longer line up, so we haven't had a vacation in over a year! So....enjoy!!


    Book By Book

    Big Book Summer Challenge

    Live with CFS

  6. I am in the midst of a move myself...we will check back in a couple weeks as my energy returns. Hello Sunshine! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. Website and logo look great love it!!


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