almost there

Ever feel that life is passing by as you wait for something to happen? It's a sorry realization, to be sure. This has been my life for about three years. Now? A bright light at the end of a very long tunnel and at the end life will return to normal - or at least our version of normal. Thank you so much for being patient as I run around in circles, offering nothing of real value. Thank you. I'm on my way back.

letting go
Last week we had a successful estate sale at my parents home. In the end, all of the rooms were empty as items found new homes. We were able to meet the sweet young couple who excitedly begin their lives together in our history filled home.  After all was said and done, I left with a few favorite pieces that I couldn't part with (not the first time in this process, I can assure you).

studio: new fabric

studio: new fabric
I was able to tag on a couple of days at the end of this trip to visit great friends as well as my favorite fabric store. Sometimes I walk around this place in an overwhelmed fog but this time my brain was clear and focused. I got a few real gems which will turn into summer totes - cannot wait! (this is part of my light at the end of the tunnel)

Next week we head to Ohio to pack and move J back home. Along with the items from mama's, I have no earthly idea where everything will go!

Has your summer pace slowed or quickened?

Have a wonderful, beautiful summer day.


  1. I am so happy that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It isn't easy living, what I call, two lives. It will be like a new beginning for fun that will be.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers as you 'button' everything up. xo

  2. I know just what you mean, but unfortunately this has a way of happening from time to time.

    I wish you safe travels and a good journey back home.

  3. Lori, I'm so glad you can see the light and things are returning to 'normal'. Although it's been tough you've shared many things of value while on your 'journey'. I feel like I learn things from you and always enjoy your posts. it seems you and I share a love of a variety of creative pursuits- sewing, drawing, embroidery and jewelry making. Sometimes I think I should
    "settle down" but I want to try it all! Beautiful fabrics, too!


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