paint water inspiration: aqua

paint water inspiration - aqua

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Hello there! Did you enjoy your weekend? We had company and are still recovering from lack of sleep and laughing until our sides hurt (most definitely worth it). Easing into Monday, I thought you'd enjoy a little paint water color inspiration...

Pale aqua is what I saw when I began my latest project which I'm hoping to show you tomorrow.  It's full of spring color beginning with my favorite blues and greens.

Be sure and check out the sources shown above and remember to have a wonderful Monday friends.


  1. SO pretty I want to drink it! Happy Monday!

  2. Beautiful color! One of my favorites because it reminds me of the ocean. I especially like the nail polish - going to look for one like that! I recently tried a pale green polish and really liked it.


    Live with CFS

  3. Dang you autocorrect! That was supposed to be love with lots of o's!!!!

  4. The color of aqua one of soothing energy when I work with it. The beauty of pure soft colors...meld together in a serene melodic song. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  5. So light and colorful. Very springy.
    Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

  6. favorite color!! so beautiful.


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