our weekend: repotting and odd dishes


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We had such a wonderful long weekend. J was with me in Atlanta. We're both becoming a little giddy at the realization that he's actually moving back home in a few weeks. In our excitement, we planted - lots of trees and shrubs outside and a few repottings inside.

We ate the most interesting things, too. On Saturday we had...

weekend eats

Ever had crawfish? (a.k.a. crawdads - but only in the south) They're (sort of) a cross between lobster and shrimp. We had them at a crawfish boil which began with the crawfish, seasoned potatoes, onions and sausage. Then we moved on to the crawfish etouffee. Oh my.

Then on Sunday we had this from here...

Such an odd combination but I felt up to the task. It was delicious. (I'll share a close relationship with the treadmill this week)

I hope that you had a special holiday weekend. Eat anything unusual?


  1. Does McDonalds nuggets count? I've been sick for a week & don't want to cook. So that's all hubby could do.

  2. The photos of your plants are luscious!! What camera are you using ( I think I may have asked you in the past but forgot, sorry)? And what editing tool?

    My husband and I are hearing quite a bit about chicken and waffles...We ask out loud.."How in the world did anyone think that up?"
    It sounds odd but it seems to be a big hit right now, looks pretty too though.

    I haven't eaten anything interesting at all lately, very boring I'm afraid.

    Have a wonderful week...everyday is closer to your sweetie coming home! xxoo

  3. Aw, Mergie. I hope you feel better soon! And nuggets definitely count. :)

  4. Hi Sherri! I am using the Canon T2i with an additional 1.8 50mm lens. For editing, I've recently switched to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 and it is AMAZING. Best editing tool I've ever seen and totally worth it.

  5. Very interesting dishes, I like the sound of them all


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