my sketchbook (and something to ponder)





I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  I more or less worked the vacation laziness the the fullest extent - drinking hot tea, sketching (a lot), strolling with the Soph, thrifting a bit with my fella (no luck), and watching this movie (he was amazing and it was a real nail biter. highly recommend).

I worked on this sketch last week and finished it with watercolor and ink to pretty up the vines. Then it seemed to need two little words to feel complete...fitting for this particular week, don't you think?

Found a great quote yesterday to ponder as we head into a bright, new week...

"Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize
that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge."
~Eckhart Tolle

I think this is a great way to view change. Change is good, right?
So why do we look at it with such fear?

How about you?
Thinking of clearing some space in your life for something new?


  1. That quote is a perfect way to look at the changes I have going on right now. A keeper. Thank you for that.

  2. You are crazy talented! I love stopping by here for some inspiration. Thank you.

  3. This quote is very timely, a lot of uncomfortable changes have been going on in my life lately. I hope that a new direction will emerge soon and life will take a positve turn. It's time. Thanks for sharing.
    Lori in Atlanta

  4. Oh Lori, what a beautiful sketch! And I love your tea mug in the first pic (I'm a bit of a mug collector). I had those changes 4 years ago, when we relocated to SC. I am still learning about the 'new' part of my life.

  5. Hi Lori, Your sketch is so beautiful! I am also very fond of the quote - even if it's hard to appreciate the things at the very moment, when the come rolling over our lives ... but later we can see that due to those occasion, something new has emerged!

  6. As a matter of fact, I AM doing something to clear up space in my life, my mind and my heart. I have always believed that change leads to opportunities.

    I really enjoy all the posts featuring your lovely sketchbook.

  7. Thank you for the beautiful way to start my week!! Your art is so peaceful for me today.

    I too have had a big change dropped on me recently. This quote is going on my wall where I can remind myself to stay positive!!

  8. I agree with mother passed away this past Sat, so now I have a big change to make....I think I will print and post it too! and I love your art, the best I can do is doodle....:-)

  9. Beautiful sketch and coloring thanks for sharing..

  10. I always LOVE the posts sharing your beautiful art-work. It is kind of delicate, flowery, colours fabulous. What FUN you must have creating them!

  11. I so admire your talent! Love all your drawings! :-)

  12. The wonderful detail in this is just beautiful, Lori.


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