a shop update preview

studio waterstone bags
Hi all!  Hope you had a lovely weekend.  It's still unseasonably warm here in Atlanta - a double edge sword, so to speak. On one hand you can't help but enjoy the warmer days and nights and on the other, it's not very winterish. How's a girl to curl up with her favorite book and a warm cup of tea when it's a balmy 65?

The collage above shows a sampling of new things going into the shop this evening at 8:00. I'm mesmerized by the uniqueness and versatility of small zippered bags. I'll have several large, small, and tall artist's pouches, key pouches, and adorable zippered leather pouches. I love each and every one.

So, I'm off to finish up, photograph and edit - one of my favorite things to do (spoken with all the sarcasm I can muster)

Maybe it'll cool off and I can edit whilst curled up in front of a warm fire with a nice cup of tea...a girl can dream.



  1. Each one is so different yet lovely. I can see you have enjoyed making these.

  2. Yum! I like the bottom middle one the best. fun, fun. i hope you get your cup of tea!


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