what it takes to renew lost passion

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog
The passion for something we love lasts forever, right?
In reality, while we're not paying close attention, passion easily turns into chore.

Photography (or more specifically, my meager attempt at macro) every week for approximately eighteen months left me cold.  So, I decided to take a break and rethink, recreate, renew.  And you know what?

As soon as I put it in writing and hit the publish button - that very day - I took my camera outside and snapped shots for the fun of it. And loved it.
I'm still not exactly sure how to proceed in January when the I Heart Macro series is scheduled to begin again.  For me, walking away from the commitment felt so good.

Tell me about your passion, or lack thereof.  
What did it take to renew your passion?  Did you walk away?
Did you return?


  1. I'm glad you're bringing it back and I'm glad walking away for a bit was good for you. I had been taking a break from it anyway but I am happy it will be there when I'm ready to come back!

  2. enjoyed your photos and I think sometimes that the sense of commitment overload can stifle what might've been a passion. Stepping back from it and giving yourself a chance to re-group is a good thing. Sometime in the new year I bet you've worked out a new way to balance what means the most to you again

  3. Fabulous photos .. you ought to do a series on observations within a mile radius of your home .. it always amazes me how much is really there .. and we miss .. or sadly take for granted. I love a good walk .. especially when the weather is brisk.. gets the old brain cells chirping again!

    .. *oh .. and you * dear Lori * are a true inspiration!

  4. If a passion becomes something I have to do or "should" do it somehow looses it appeal sooner or later. For me sometimes I need to have some time space and then nurture the passion by looking at blogs, reading/ viewing books which feature the products which inspired me in the first place.

  5. Gorgeous photos! Finding your passion is all about stepping back and seeing your idea again in a slightly different way...

  6. Beautiful. Art is all about what inspires you as an individual so follow your feelings.

  7. I think taking a break is always good, renews the spirit. I love seeing what others have but also feel pressured at times.

    Your blog/work is always inspirational!

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday, Lori.

  8. Great post. I just read a post on Handmadeology a day or two ago about this very same problem. Sometimes we feel like we lose our creativity when it becomes forced work or required. The author suggested moving out of your comfort zone. Try something new. In her case it was cooking and yoga. I always worry about this with my sewing. I have some personal projects that keep getting pushed to the back....but I enjoy making clothes for myself and gifts for others. So it's important for me to carve some time out for those. I think we all have to realize it's ok to change things up - or try something new - or take a break. I think that's the best way to recharge!

  9. My passion is macro. I want to get a zoom lens and get into that area of photography someday soon.

    Sometimes, all is needed is a change (or a challenge) to renew my passion. I was doing a photo a day and enjoying it very much. However, I was losing the enthusiasm for going out and seeking out good pictorial subjects. Winter time can do that to a body because life out there tends to slow (or shut) down. I am now doing a challenge thing I came across. It's like a scavenger hunt and I'm really enjoying the relaxation part of it because I'm not just seeking perfection. I'm also seeking to stretch my abilities in creativity and to learn about photographical subjects like lighting, aperture, etc., & etc. Thus, nothing is ever perfect and I'm realizing that that is alright too. :-)

  10. These photos are so beautiful, Lori, but I've always thought your macro shots were incredible!
    Sewing is my passion but after having an Etsy shop for 2 years I closed it because I found sewing a chore and something I didn't look forward to. As soon as I closed it, I started sewing again because I wanted to and not because I had to.

  11. Lori, you have hit the nail on the head w/this one! After stepping back a bit in my craft, I found a renewed sense of passion recently and it felt truly great! With the holidays coming I've had to step back again and with some really great things happening in my and my hubby's business this coming year, I may have to step back even further, but it's comforting to know that my passion will return when I do. And, just for the record, your 'meager attempt at macro', as you put it - is astounding! To have photos come out half as wonderful as yours would thrill the daylights out of me! They're alwasy amazing!!

  12. I don´t know how to write about my passion using only a few words, is something that is at a point where creativity, selfknowledge, spirituality and communication intersect. But, I know well that from time to time this passion seems to be not so bright or appealing... then something happens that makes me feel it again even more fiercely.

    Awesome photos and wonderful blog, I will follow you


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