it's true (most of it)

especially the "bless his heart" part.

and the casserole dish part.

and the Jesus drank wine part.


  1. ha ha ha - love it!!

    I think one of my favorites is "Some fool stole my buggy at the Piggly Wiggly." My family vacationed at Kiawah Island when I was in high school and we thought it was HILARIOUS that the grocery store was called Piggly Wiggly!

    Love the "bless his heart" part too - southern women can say absolutely anything if they tack that on the end! lol


  2. Yep, I resemble a lot of those remarks....:)

  3. (me=lifelong Southerner!)

    Thanks for giving me a really good laugh :)

  4. I'm fixin' to bust a gut! Those women are crazy, bless their heart!

  5. Of course I have a bunch of people I need to send this to, bless their hearts.


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