hello saturday

studio waterstone blog

Hi there!  Ready for your weekend? Sophie and I are settled now in Cincinnati and anxious to begin the weekend with our favorite fella. We've been out and about every day, loving the color and crisp blue skies.  I'm addicted to my favorite cold weather breakfast, oatmeal with warm milk, walnuts, and a few dried cranberries.  YUM.

And don't you hate spending tons of $$$ on necessary household items?  Ugh, Jeff and I had to buy a new bed yesterday - something we kept putting off. You try to rationalize it with "I spend a third of my life there, so I need to be comfy" but somehow it just isn't as pretty as a new pair of boots...or a new computer.

But then...

studio waterstone bags
This little surprise cheered me up. I was totally thrilled to hear that one of my bags made it to Etsy Finds!  Booyah! Made things a little better, for sure.  

Have yourself a wonderful, worry-free weekend.


  1. Your breakfast looks delicious! I LOVE oatmeal! And, I feel quite lucky that the Eco Tote is now mine! congrats again for making it to an Etsy Finds!!!

  2. I am not surprised by that! You belong there! I'm glad you are enjoying the beauty of an Ohio fall!

  3. Congratulations on your bag making it into Etsy finds!

  4. Oh, man...I am SOOOO missing my oatmeal. Our dietician suggested Jamie and I go dairy free and gluten free and also oat free (since there is a protein in oats similar to gluten). I normally eat oatmeal every morning, so I am really missing it. I have been trying various GF hot cereal substitutes but none of them are quite as good.

    By the way, I love the new blog look! Very nice.



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