the week in pics

a bloom from the sweet potato vine. they're almost ready to harvest! nom

new boots for me because of my yen for real fashion.  so flipping happy.
spent most of the week looking at them and trying them on and wishing for cooler weather.

because Thursday was "speak like a pirate day", I switched the language on Facebook to pirate speak.
yes, you can do this.

xbody Collage c
a sweet little leather day bag which I may gift to my daughter because she's had a tough week.
and I still owe her one from her 18th birthday.  and she's almost 20.

because I'm from the south where we like our tea sweet, with lots of ice.

have a happy Friday and beautiful weekend.
special plans?


  1. those boots are the bomb!!
    Love that bag that you'll give to the kiddo. sorry to hear she's had a tough week though!!

  2. Oh, those are great boots. I feel a shoe shopping excursion in my future! I was looking for some nice shoes to wear with my new black pencil skirt (to a funeral I am singing at today. So sad) and all I could find were leopard print or zebra. WTH? I wonder what happened to all my shoes. But tonight is Homecoming and yesterday my freshman son QB'd the team to victory, so tonight we will see if the Varsity can do better (but I am sure not). And tomorrow I am off to Galena IL for a fun day with my good friends, playing with jewelry and just relaxing. So deserved! I will, of course, have my new bag with me. And I will be sure to tell them where they can get their own!
    Enjoy the day.

  3. Thank Lorelei! And Erin, good Lord, you're a busy girl. Have a wonderful weekend to you both.

  4. love those boots,, and beautiful bag. I bet your daughter would love to get that.. Hope you have a great weekend. We've had some cool nights and mornings and Im loving it.. ready to break out the scarves and long sleeves.

  5. Wow! I love your new boots!
    Your daughter's new bag is great too....

    I think we are in for a weekend of rain and chilly weather. Might be time for a big pot of chili and corn bread.


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