a very happy

10th Birthday to our lovable compadre, Sophie.
Below are a few of my favorites...

sophie&jessie 086

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IMG_1615 - Version 2
Love my Soph.  She's the very bestest of the best.
(and I'm not bias)


  1. Labs are the best dog ever. I adored my chocolate lab and miss his sweet face every day. Happy birthday to your "pup"!

  2. Those are some great photo choices, such beautiful big brown eyes. Almost spit tea all over the desk when I saw the third one...it's like that mischievousness kid who can't help but get really close to the camera.

    Thanks for sharing them.

  3. These are such great pictures of your dog! Her character shines through :)

    Happy Birthday to your bestest dog, and may there be more years to come.

  4. Love those pictures - her expression when wearing the "cone of shame" is priceless!!!

  5. What great photos! I especially like the third one; great sales associate for you handbag line!

  6. Happy Birthday Sophie!! May you have lots of wonderful bones and treats showering you :)

    That pic of the eyes on the product photo is amazing, my fave! But the pup pic is priceless too :)

    And Lori, you're killing me, but in a good way! I'm ready for a new pup to love, but we must wait a while longer...hearts are still healing after loosing our girl at New Years.

  7. I love the model and dog! Perfect!

  8. Happy Birthday Sophie, our lab Phoebe is right on your heels.

  9. These pictures are so great. That Sophie has a mighty fine personality bubbling through. Makes me long for a furry friend like this of my own. Enjoy the day, Miss Sophie! Make sure you get extra scratches behind your ears and a new bone to chew on! Erin

  10. Thank you everyone (Sophie thanks you, too)

    Holly, we lost our yellow lab, Molly, and got Sophie about 6 months later. I didn't think I was ready but as soon as I saw her I was in love. It'll happen with you, too.

    Erin - make the leap. :)

  11. Sophie, we don't know each other, but I just love your wise and beautiful face:)
    Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  12. Happy Birthday, Sophie!! These are such great photos. I'm in love with her just through your blog! :)

  13. Those are so great!! The third photo is hilarious!! :)))

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE!!! Yes, ALL CAPS was intentional!

  15. Happy Birthday Sophie!
    You are adorable!
    I love the cone pic. What a great expression!

    Dogs are the BEST!

    : )

  16. There are many "LOVES" in this world. One of the best and most selfless is a doggy love! We also have one best of the bestest!
    Your Sophie is is is - ah just such a SUGAR! :-)
    Look here Lori:


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