a new home and a question

studio waterstone
(randomness in pics - playing with textures)

Hi friends.  I cannot believe that I haven't blogged since Monday - my longest stretch, for sure.  And I have to admit, a difficult stretch!  I missed my daily diary.

We spent the better part of the week in Cincinnati (really Kentucky) home hunting and I'm thrilled that we found something which ideally suits all of our needs.  Sadly, I have no photos even for myself. 

It's funny how, when you shop for a place to live, you have your list of housing priorities.  For us, it was...

1. private outdoor space to unwind
2. garage
3. outdoor water spicket (so that hubs can wash off his mountain bike)
4. safe neighborhood

I hope that your week was a splendid one and with that I'll say Happy Friday and Hello Summer!

And now my Friday question for you...

You're home hunting.  What's at the top of your list?


  1. We are thinking of selling soon! Would like less garden...or very low maintenance,
    Garage, a room/ studio for me, a study for husband etc ...!! A lot to think about!
    Glad you have found something you like and works for you all.

  2. House hunting is always exciting and frustrating all at the same time but your list doesn't seem too demanding so you should find something soon.

    When we were shopping for the City House, we had several 'must haves' that we told our agent.

    1. 3 BR and 2BA
    2. A wood burning device, preferably a fireplace.
    3. Mature tree/trees
    4. Quiet neighborhood

    It took awhile and at times I was in tears thinking we would never find anything, but that perfect house was found.

    Have a great weekend. xo

  3. 1. Large shaded yard for the dogs
    2. Garage
    3. lots of kitchen counter and cupboard space
    4. 3 bed, 2 bath

  4. Generally, that "open concept". I love having everyone in one room. We actually just moved and were lucky that our new place is just that. Congrats on your find!

  5. garage, basement, storage areas, windows, 2 baths...
    basement is big for me...
    and trees, lots of trees...
    happy house hunting!

  6. 1. Land
    2. house with a huge room for my quilting and crafting studio
    3. Big garage for Dan's workshop

    We landed this home about two weeks ago after over 2 years of searching and many disappointments. We're converting the attached garage into a studio for me. Dan has his huge garage for his classic 'stang and workshop. It has over an acre of land -- perfect for gardening with fruit trees, bees and possibly chickens. We are both excited and after putting down wooden flooring, we'll move in. The current goal is July 31st. We'll see if we make that date. :-)

  7. Well - two years ago mom and I were looking to move into a house together. The big thing was looking for enough space to have a studio inside instead of in the garage and enough space for both of us to have a nice bedroom each and a living space for each of us.
    Now - we both are wishing to win the lottery so we can add an addition onto the back of her house so I can move back in. This would be so much easier to for me to work in the studio instead of driving two miles each day to get to her house - or not in the winter time when I can't get out of my driveway :)

  8. We were looking for kid friendly!! Sidewalks, local park and classmates. Also not being on the bus line... that was kind of a plus in my book.


  9. shady yard for a couple of dogs
    room for a veggie garden
    an open kitchen
    a room for my beads, etc.
    quiet neighborhood (means kids know how to treat their neighbors, too)

  10. 1. A big safe yard for our dog.
    2. Privacy and safety.
    3. Room to grow and host guests.
    4. Reasonable access to transit.
    5. Ideally, a beautiful garden (or room to grow one).

  11. Room for a studio and a garage for the messy stuff! Glad you found a home!

  12. amenities within walking distance. We bought for the first time a year and a half ago and we live 5 minutes walk from a row of shops, cafes, bars and restaurants - it's actually a pretty short strip but it's packed full! Mainly lovely, bijoux, independent places. I am a city girl through and through and I can't see that ever changing! Location, location, location for me. 2nd on our list was a garden and we wanted an OLD house, with character. We were lucky and got all three of our top priorities! I hope you guys have too.

  13. Ya know I really should read your post more often than when I link up with i heart macro. I always like what you have to say. I love this weathered shot. And yes,hHuse hunting is pretty fun and exciting. We are currently on an: on and off again relationship with that, as we wait for someone to make an offer on our own. We are looking for one thing. Land. OK two...home with character. Everything else we can do ourselves or learn to do without.

  14. Privacy and a nice, large kitchen.


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