my week in pics (and a little inspiration)

It's been a busy, discombobulated week and I'm excited for the weekend.  Excited because Jeff will be house/condo/loft hunting tomorrow in Cincinnati followed by lots of time spent at home in Atlanta. Then we'll  have time with friends followed by his move to a new city and, finally, my trip to settle in to the new place. Whew!


I'm excited because this will be a more permanent move for us - a smaller place. So, I gather items, such as dishes, paintings, etc. for our new home - whatever and wherever that may be.  

In addition to being a hunter and gatherer I worked in the studio where, I have to admit, my mind wasn't focused.  I walked in, was completely overwhelmed, and walked out.  Whatever I made didn't hit all the marks.  As a result, I got a couple of expensive rejects (I always carry the rejects - okay, not ALWAYS)  Ever had one of those weeks?  Again, my mind is elsewhere.


So, I am lured to drawing and painting - a meditative activity.


Spent time with Sophie, my constant companion, as she rolls in the tall grass,


spots something


and pounces.

Anyone know what this weed/flower happens to be called?

So, because I'm thinking new place, new ideas, storage,
and if you're looking for something to organize your lady things...

storage Collage

I think these are all quite doable.

Hope you're inspired.

What's on your plate for the weekend?


  1. Those flowers look like passion flowers (passiflora). Have a look at the link:

  2. Oh yes, and I'll sew a doll blanket and pillow for my cute niece. It's her birthday next week. Plus having BBQ with some good friends.

  3. Thank you Kokopelli! It grows wild around here - appropriate name.

  4. I hate weeks like that where nothing goes right, but it looks like you had fun with Sophie. Mom and I have plans, whether they all get done who knows. Saw, saw, saw because of show and we want to submit a piece to the Lark Book 500 Necklaces and mom wants help painting her bathroom (mom is on an updating spree in her house). Plus if I can keep her sitting down as much as possible I will help all she wants - even mow her grass. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. What a week!!
    yes that is a passion flower, one of my favourites, how lucky you are to have them growing wild x

  6. Love the burlap and handle idea.

    PS Sophie is gorgeous!


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