sophisms: a day in the life

studio waterstone blog
post breakfast bath

studio waterstone blog
morning nap

studio waterstone blog
acknowledgment of word "outside?"

studio waterstone blog
free at last. free at last. the smells! the options!

studio waterstone blog
acknowledgment of word "lizard!"

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog
post lizard elation.  pre-dinner/afternoon nap.
the end.


  1. This made me smile. I love Sophie's expressions. I was never a dog person until I met my husband and his little dog swept me off my feet. Now I can't imagine my life without my furry friends.

  2. I know, Suzan. Sometimes I really look at my pets and think they've got the life.

  3. Haha, love this! My Annie gets that outside look too!

  4. What a sweetie! Give her a big hug from me. Makes me wish I had a four legged friend in my life. Enjoy the day.


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