
studio waterstone blog

If patience is a virtue, it's one which eludes me more often than not. While I (im)patiently sit and allow my arm to heal, I ask your patience for my scarce nature. I'm visiting you and reading, but trying not to type too much. So, thank you for your patience.

Do you struggle with patience? In what area?
Have you won the battle?

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  1. Take heart, it is not a virtue I share. Many in this household are driven toward results....hard workers, but it ups the anxiety levels. I suppose I am a bit more laid back, but also know I would be a terrible patient. I also struggle in my patience with my children. Strength has to come from within. Prayer, reflection, music, sleep all help me!

  2. Lori ~

    I know first hand how an arm (elbow for me) caused a lapse in my creative flow last year and I want to let you know I'm sending out positive, healing thoughts and vibes your way! Take it easy and things will return quicker than expected!!

  3. Lori you need to take care or yourself and we understand that. And no I have no patience what so ever, I get that from mom :-)
    Take care and healing thoughts are heading your way!!!!

  4. Patience is not one of my strong suits...I'm sending well wishes your way and hope the time passes quickly as your arm heals. Your image and words are beautiful!

  5. Feel better soon, just browse and read blogs at your leisure. If ur happy and comfortable you will heal much quicker. I suffer with RSI in my right hand, wrist and elbow... Terrible some days and I have to rest it. frustrating, but necessary. Just browsing your blog now with a cup of green tea... Take care. Ohhh I meant to say I love Macro work so I may join in with the link up party in the last blog post. :-)
    Jennie. X

  6. Patience is My Word for 2012!! That should tell you that I have none! I do hope your arm heals quickly, for your sake!

  7. Sending prayers and healing thoughts for you Lori. Something is telling you that you need this time right are where you are supposed to be for the moment.

  8. Hang in there Lori! I know it's easier said than done. I can be patient when I need to be, but it goes against my nature!

  9. I think we all lack patience at times or with particular things. I have been told in the past I am an extremely patient person (I raised my 4 kids on my own) but these days I find I lack patience with certain things much of the time (I had a car accident in Nov 2009 and the rehab is driving me crazy).
    Use your recuperation time to enjoy reading or losing yourself in blogger land... that's what I do. But I do understand your frustration...
    Thinking of you and sending hugs your way :)

  10. You just get that arm all better!
    All else can wait.
    What a gorgeous image this is Lori!

  11. Patience kinda comes and goes with me.. but when I was out 3 years ago with a broke ankle I nearly went crazy. I remember something a former preacher once said, "Never pray for patience", because you will most assuredly be given situations to exercise that request. Mainly he was talking about dealing with little ones. But it always stuck with me.

    Although I do love hearing from you, please dont type back,, Get Well Soon.


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