in the absence of color

Happy Friday! In my neck of the (colorless) woods...
  • We have a young (-er than me) visitor this weekend.
  • We're celebrating a birthday but will hold off on the real celebration until Dad comes home.
  • I'm pumped to paint more - maybe it's a bit like riding a bike because the flow and eagerness is beginning to settle in. BTW, thank you for your positive reinforcement - it's the gas in my wind in my sails.
  • Just started reading The Hunger Games. Addictive, but so far just sad. Any HG readers out there?

And in the absence of color, I offer a few of this week's photos.

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog

studio waterstone blog

Have a beautiful weekend.

Be sure to return on Sunday to share your macro.


  1. LOVED all the HG books (audio books) which I listen to while I'm at the torch. The movie is coming out in March of this year too! Can't wait

  2. Gorgeous as always! I haven't started the HG series yet...I tend to be behind the curve on the young adult books but then sit down and read the series in one fell swoop (just polished off Twilight a couple months back). I'll wait until you update on whether or not it just stays sad!

  3. The subtle colors in your photos are gorgeous! What a great color palette.

  4. Absolutely stunning photos. And I love HG.

  5. whether muted or bright, all of nature's colors are your pictures!

  6. Lori, these are wonderful! Nature is beautiful even in the absence of colour.


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