
What am I doing during my holiday vacation? Lots and nothing. I've taken a ridiculous amount of terrible photographs with my fancy schmancy camera, salvaging only a few, trying to understand the various buttons, and refusing to use the auto setting.

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I've been clearing the decorations. It's the only time of year I'm actually an eager beaver.

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Making. Fingerless gloves from a recycled sweater which I could NOT felt.
No matter how many times I washed it, with tennis balls, on hot.
So I went to plan "B"

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Eating a lot. A LOT.

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Thinking about an annual budget. Thinking about it. That's all.

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And watching a lot of things like this.
Can you "name that movie?"

Hope you're enjoying your week.


  1. Sleepless in Seattle!!!! I have done NOTHING this week!!!! And feeling quite guilty about it, too....

  2. Sounds like a perfectly lovely week, Lori. Where are the kids and the rest of the family?

    The top photo is great! I applaud you for having the patience to learn all the functions on your camera - I too often rely on the automatic setting :)

    We're in OK visiting my FIL - he's 86 and lives alone, so it's nice and quiet when we visit.

    Enjoy your quiet, productive week!


  3. The photos are looking great with the new camera!

  4. Houseguests left on the 27th, I have reclaimed my house, cleaned and have been exercising, eating leftovers and am planning on beading for the next 4 days!!!! Woo Hoo!

  5. Sounds like what I am doing. By the way, your pictures look great.

  6. Kudos to you for not using the auto setting. You will have much more control over light and depth of field that way! I am also a photographer, so if you have any questions feel free to send them my way.

    I envy your relaxing week! My mom flew in for Christmas, left two days ago and today my mother-in-law flies in for New Year's weekend. So I have been doing a lot of house cleaning! All while trying to pack for our move to Virginia. The packing is going nowhere fast!

    Sleepless in Seattle, my husband and I love that movie! That and You've got mail.

  7. Sounds productive in a way. . .Happy Holidays Lori!!

  8. It sounds like a good vacation! Good luck with your camera!

  9. love that movie.. good luck on figuring the camera out.

  10. Sleepless in Seattle! Love it :)

  11. Be patient with the camera Lori. It will come, and when it does, you will wonder how it ever seemed so difficult. :-)

    I wish you a most wonderful New Year.

  12. I still feel like an idiot with my camera and default to auto waaaay too frequently! Your strategy sounds like a good one, I might need to give it a shot. Always good to think of a budget...even if it's just to ignore later :)

  13. Um.... I was going to say 'An Affair to Remember' was the movie they were watching... in a movie they were making 'Sleepless in Seattle'... :)))

  14. Great pictures.
    I like the "budget" pic with the target blows a huge gaping hole in the most strongest of budgets, doesn't it? I am going to get a new camera screen as my annual Christmas gift card, so then maybe I can actually start using my fancy schamcy setting.
    Oh yeah Sleepless in Seattle.
    You've Got Mail is my veg movie or choice, but that one is a close runner up.

  15. SOunds like a pretty good holiday to me! I must say though, I am so surprised that so many bloggers are already clearing away the Christmas decorations.....we tend to keep them up over here til the 6th of January, a la the 12th day of Christmas.....I hate taking them down, there's such a big empty spot where the tree was!


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