santa wants to give you something

One year everyone asked Jeff what I'd like for Christmas. His response...

I got ten turtlenecks that year.


So I got my renewal from my favorite magazine, Country Living, and they asked if I wanted to give a gift subscription? I said, "Hell's yeah!", but who? And then I had a great idea...I'll give it away! Are you a Country Living fan? Do you believe in Santa?

If you answered yes to both questions and would like a complimentary, no catches, one year subscription to Country Living you will need to answer one more question...

What do you want for Christmas?
(Besides a free subscription to Country Living Magazine)


I'll pick a name on Tuesday, December 13th.

Good luck!


  1. I want my brother and sister-in-law, who are traveling from Florida to Virginia, to arrive safely! I am hosting my family of 17 on Christmas Eve, and I want less stress for that day!!!! Merry Christmas, Lori, to you and your family

  2. I want a quiet, peaceful, fun Christmas with family!

    (ok, some Thompson enamels would also rock!)

  3. I believe in Country Living! Great mag! I'd like world peace and sterling silver wire!

  4. as an intangible - peace... always...
    but if you want to know what i want? a tube cutting jig or new walking shoes... the heels are shot...
    thanks lori -
    and i love that poster!

  5. Not to be a brownnoser at all, but I totally want the perfect Waterstone bag to pop up in your shop and for me to see it and stop waffling long enough to hit BUY and snatch it up. I know it will happen one day because I totally believe in Santa Claus.


    Enjoy the day!

  6. I would like my family to be all together, that would be the PERFECT gift.

    Of course I would not turn down say a free subscription to CL magazine, or a Kreg Jig, or a job.

    Good Luck everyone.

  7. I love Country Living! What a sweet thing for you to do :)
    I think for Christmas this year, I would just love to have one quiet week. No laundry, no cleaning, no chores. Just quality time with my horses, my husband, and my camera.

  8. I believe in Santa! He always brings the best gifts! This year I'm hoping for a pair of red cowboy boots... now that would be awesome!

    *on the occasions where Santa is too busy to get what i want, i might perhaps help him out a little.....

  9. I'm hoping for an IPad for Christmas! But a sub to CL would be awesome too :)

  10. Heh...Now ten boxes of Turtles I could get behind...

    LOVE Country Living.
    {Offering to Canadians?}

    I hope, wish for my Dad to be well enough to play hockey after Christmas. He is 64 and last year played goal 3-5 times a week, this year in October he became very ill and now is on the mend {I hope!} So that would be the best present of all, seeing him lace up those skates!

    Santa Spirit is what I believe in...I've met many...

    Sweet gift Lori.
    I hope you get all you wish for and more goodness than you can imagine...

  11. I would like a shiatsu massage pillow for between my shoulder blades (beaders back is what I like to call it) since my kids broke the one I owned. Thats it. Just relief from this back pain in pillow form;-) Oh- and country living of course!

  12. ha ha - funny story abut the turtlenecks!!

    I have no idea what I want for Christmas. I know this is making it hard on Ken, but I honestly don't need much. Last year, he replaced my poor burned out iBook with a new MacBook Pro, so I don't really need any of the cool tech gadgets out this year. I'm perfectly happy with my shiny laptop :)


    P.S. Oh, and don't put me in the drawing for the magazine - I already get too many and they just pile up - one more thing I don't have time for! Hey, that's what I want for Christmas - more time!

  13. Such a sweet gift giveaway!
    I honestly haven't a clue what I want for Christmas...maybe just to try and not stress and enjoy myself and my family but I'm no good at not stressing out over the little things so maybe a new bead press instead :)

  14. How sweet! I would love a nice, quite Christmas. And a Nikon1 camera delivered by Ashton himself:). Dare to dream, right?

  15. I want any and all Czech glass beads and plastic buttons for crafting!

  16. Love the turtleneck story! I would like a Keurig machine- I keep hearing about them and everyone says they are the best thing ever. I would like one! Oh and an ipad :) I'm sure I won't get either of those things but I would be very happy with a subscription to Country Living. Thanks for the great give away!


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