monday inspiration

It's December and I'm already thinking end-of-year: taking time off, looking back, visiting the mister in January, Christmas(!), new items for spring and business ideas. Basically, I'm like a kid on the first day of school. And it's still June.

But first, I can't think of the past year without adding this little item...

If I've learned anything this year, it's that the above statement is TRUE.
Not always fun, but true.


Lately I've accumulated some really doable projects which are on my "this is what I want to do when I take time off" list. Tell me what you think, then tell me what's on your "want to do" list.

Finally! You have no IDEA how many corks I've saved through the years. I've always written on the side: the date and the person who shared the wine with me. I'm madly in love with this.

Fabric on a painted canvas. How easy is this? And so adorable!

I'll get a scarf-sized piece of knit (no need to even hem!) and write my favorite quote with gray and black sharpies. So cool. And you know how I feel about scarves.

The perfect thing for all those pictures I have stored on a hard drive, knowing I'll never get them into a photo album. Imagine the possibilities!

A thrifted chest-of-drawers. Remove the drawers and any slats, and paint.
How cool is this?

And finally, I plan to do a little of this.

Your turn. What are you dreaming of doing?

psst...all images can be found on Pinterest - only the bestest place on the web.


  1. I LOVE that idea with the corks! I have enough of them to fill an entire wall!

  2. I like your 'we can do hard things' thought. It is so true that if we reach deep inside we can get through most things. I'm thinking I'll get to painting a few walls in this new old house of ours this winter. Maybe even finish unpacking the boxes in the study upstairs. Or maybe I'll just keep the door closed :-)

  3. Fantastic creations! I have the cork monogram on my Pinterest page. I love Pinterest because it's so visual. I have bookmarked tons of crafts over the years but never would go back or remember them. I was trying to think of gifts to make with the corks but haven't come up with one I really loved. I really love the scarf idea! My daughter loves quotes - it would be perfect for her!

  4. Love your post. Oh, there are so many things I want to do, seems I have that sense of urgency lately. I will think on that one.

  5. I love all of these ideas, but I don't have as many corks as you so I'd be at a disadvantage! Love the scarf and especially the bookcase created from a dresser! Cool man!

  6. What great projects, wonderful inspiration.
    I love the quote at the top of your post, i am in agreement with that, any thing no matter how hard can be achieved with lots of work.
    I think i'm going to be a lot of reading and journalling when i get some time off.

  7. I have seen the cork idea on another blog...and I will repeat my sentiment: that is one of the most awesome ideas ever.
    I compulsively save my corks, and have more than enough material...we are talking the whole alphabet here.
    Such a good quote too...positive thinking is powerful stuff.
    My looking ahead goals for the next year include getting on the pinterest wagon, learning some photo shop, and making time for writing.
    Thanks for the good ideas

  8. Fun! I love that scarf idea. May have to borrow that one.

  9. I'm definitely already in the new year frame of mind, too. So much to be excited for 2012! I love all of your ideas from Pintrest, especially the canvas and the photo collage.

  10. I especially like the photo idea. So many pictures just sitting around, what a great idea. Thank you. By the way. I have selected your website as one of my favorites and have a gift for you. Hope you enjoy it. You can see it at the address below. Blessings, Nona


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