diy image tips and tricks

But first...

Congratulations to Mary Newton for winning the subscription to Country Living! P.S. I'm going to celebrate the week with another giveaway VERY soon - something from my collection. So, stay tuned!

studio waterstone blog

Now about those images. If you're a blogger, you probably know how important images and image quality is. Having said that, photo's can be tricky! Here are a few thoughts on the subject.

Image size:

You cannot enlarge a photo from it's original source without causing it to blur. For example, your photo is 686 pixels wide. You can't enlarge it to 1000 pixels or even 700 pixels and get a perfectly clear photo.

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I uploaded this image to Flickr and it shows the original as 686 pixels wide. My options are always smaller images.


What if I want to change my image to fit a 600 pixel wide space. Is this possible?
Why, yes! Yes, it is. And if your image is already uploaded to Flickr, it's easy to change.

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Above, it shows the html code that I copied from Flickr and posted to my blog post.

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From that highlighted section, you want to focus in on the dimensions. Change the 686 to 600 pixels. BUT (and this is VERY important), you also need to change the height to a corresponding dimension. For instance, if I reduce the width by 86 pixels, I need to also reduce the height by the same number.

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Another way of getting exactly the size you want is to export it correctly in the first place! Just click on "custom" when exporting and enter your desired width.

Image quality:

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Ever go to one of those sites or blogs and have to wait an eternity while things load? Not fun. When exporting my photos, I always choose medium quality. This looks fine on a computer screen and keeps loading time to a minimum.

Alt tags:

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Back to my blog html screen. I can't talk about images without adding this tip. See the highlighted part shown above? That's my alt tag and it's currently named "IMG_0502". So boring and totally useless.

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Without getting into the importance of alt tags, I'd recommend that you change it to maybe your blog name or the title of your post. Why? Because it helps with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and it's an easy change.

Hope my tips help! Now, you can add those all-important images with ease while giving your post a more professional look.

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  1. Thanks Lori, I love posts like this! It can be an very complicated making changes!!

    Have a great day,


  2. Thanks so much for the great information. I never knew about the tags. I hope I can remember this when I'm doing blog posts. Normally I'm just happy to get them done and press 'Publish'.

  3. oh a cool tip about changing the name of the photo!


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