fashion for the rest of us

My third attempt at Polyvore.

It's a little addicting. This would be me on a really good day - casual - always.

Are you a leggings girl? Merrell tunic? Toms? Polyvore?
I'm all for leggings as long as the tunic covers my tush!

Psst...If you click on the Polyvore link above,
you'll get source information on all of the items. Cool or what?

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  1. Yep, that would definitely be my style. Love the pink shoes!

  2. Love the scarf. Unfortunately I look awful in leggings but I love them at otuers.

  3. I used to wear leggings all the time but for the past year I have been living in pencil skirts!! And of course lots of 'sparkly' every day!!

  4. Fun pieces! I keep it pretty casual most of the time, too.

  5. Cute! I am definitely a leggings/toms girl. Casual chic (tush covered) is always the best way to go :)



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