my nemesis, a short story

Years ago, as Mr. W and I were out shopping for a sofa, we walked past this chair. Mr. W instantly fell in love. It reminded him of a chair he had in college - a.k.a. the cruel chair. (his words)

studio waterstone

An elderly lady standing near us commented, "Honey, that is one butt ugly chair!". I laughed. We argued over the chair. Then we bought it and from that day forward it was known as our butt ugly chair.

studio waterstone

studio waterstone

The end.



  1. At least it keeps its distance from you now!

  2. oh my that is one ugly chair. At least you can laugh about it.

  3. I believe we left a similar butt ugly chair behind somewhere in Australia. Nice to be able to ditch that sort of thing even if it means someone else might be having a great time sitting in it now.

  4. Wow I have very poor taste because I think it is very pretty. And cozy!

  5. If is is comfortable a you don't want o discard about recovering or a loose cover. A plainer fabric would improve the look a lot.

  6. Kelley - HAHA isn't it the truth.

    Jenni - I was planning to slipcover it this week. But I'd forgotten about all the curves. It may be a little too labor intensive for a week job. :(

  7. Don't you love when that happens. Too funny.


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