earth shattering, life or death kind of questions


Oh yeah?

Okay, maybe not. The fact that we can't do everything is a good thing to keep in mind as we go through our busy lives. BUT...

This also reminds me that there is always something on the back burner...that something that we really want to try out. And today we're talking about creativity and art, the fun stuff.
Today's earth shattering, life or death kind of question is:

What is at the top of your list?
It's that one thing that you're itching to try out.

Psst...the artwork shown above is from Jennifer Johner at Dearest Someday.


  1. I went to a ceramics fair this weekend, and did raku for the first time! Now I'm wanting to incorporate raku in my jewelry :)

  2. Right now I want to learn Barbara Lewis' technique of torch fired enameling.

    Yesterday it was resin.

    Tomorrow, it might be learning to rivet, or polymer clay.

    It changes with the flip of a page in the book I'm currently perusing.

  3. Ooh! I forgot to answer my own question. I have had a serious hankering to learn more about Photoshop.

  4. boy do i need to remind myself of this everyday,, I seem to think I can do it all. I'd really love to learn to sew more.

  5. I'm with Alice. I seriously want to learn Barbara's technique. To the point that I googled how long it would take me to get to her St. Pete workshop!


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