three, er two things i know for sure

Happy, happy, joy, joy it's Friday! I decided to begin a new series on Friday called "five for friday" or "five things I know". However...we're going to begin slowly this week because I'm having trouble coming up with five things that I know! What an embarrassing thing to admit.

studio waterstone diy
I have to tell you this story about my model and this dress.

This past Sunday, my girl wore this dress to church. Before church, she went into McDonalds and as she stood in line, an elderly man (the sweet kind, not the deranged kind) walked up to her and said, "Excuse me. I have to tell you that your dress is so pretty."

Hey, we take compliments from everyone - old or young - male or female. And one thing that I know for sure is that this tutorial worked! I'll admit it. That skirt rocks as a dress much better than it ever did as a skirt.


I had to model my own bag this afternoon - curse that model who wears my homemade dresses. I know for sure that I DEE-TEST modeling. Truly.


And this is, officially, my weekly studio wrap. Finished new cuffs that I've already shown you and everyone else WAY too much. So I'll spare you the picture. Finished two handbags with recycled leather and this beautiful tapestry-like fabric. Love.

And that's all I know for now.
Two things are always better than none, right?

Have a wonderful weekend! Special plans? Special dinners?

P.S. One bag is already in the shop and the other will go in tonight.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE that bag! and you are a great model! :)
    That dress is gorgeous, ganna have to go check out that DIY post for sure!

  2. Compliments from random strangers are the best. :) PS loving the tapestry bag. ~L


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