annie's new life

studio waterstone
Remember Annie?

After my mom's passing, finding a new home for Annie was difficult.

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I got to visit Annie's new home this week. Meet her new constant companion, Lazarus.

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I think she's happy with her new life.


  1. Annie surely does look happy and so does Lazarus.

  2. Oh, that makes me all kinds of happy today.

  3. Those 2 look perfect together. They have almost the same color patterns.

  4. Makes me happy, too, Lori!

    John - they are the exact same colors! They're twins - sort of.

  5. Oh My Kitty porn!!! They look like an old married couple - it was kismet!

  6. Yay Annie, I'm so glad she found a new home and has settled in!

  7. Hey, they match! So happy to find a happy ending for this story....

  8. I'm not the first one to say this, but they have the same coloring! It was SOoooo meant to be!

  9. I know that made you feel really good to see her in a happy home. So sweet! Lovely pictures of her with her new friend and owner Lori. They do match dont they? A match made this side of Heaven!

  10. OMG, they match! I am so glad she is happy with a new friend.

  11. I love how they match and love each other so much! Yeah Annie! :)

  12. they match in colors, just like brother and sister. Great name for a dog by the way :-)

  13. OMG! I think it's a good fit.... annie seems to be totally at one with her knew house mate! {and vice versa} and totally colour co-ordinated! ha!


    hello gorgeous xxx

  14. Great photos! They are meant to be, they are the same colors! :)

  15. Annie and Lazarus are color coordinated too! It's obvious they're going to be fast friends. I know this is a load off your mind.

  16. She's a cutie... I'm glad she's found a happy home.

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