growing up

studio waterstone

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
~Chili Davis

Your ideal age? How old are you today? How old do you feel?


  1. Hmmm I'm 46 1/2...feel like 65 .... wish I was 30.... sigh

  2. That is such a great quote! I am only 37 which feels good. However they say life begins at 40 so I may like that age better and may want to stay that age as I grow old! ~Val

  3. Val, my first reaction was NO! 30s! But I quickly thought that, yes, you're right. I felt my best in my early 40's...then gravity began to take over. lol

  4. Ok. 45, physically I have days where I feel 100 but in every other way I feel much younger! What age do I wish I was - 40 again! That year totally rocked!

  5. 51.... Probably 30 would be the ideal and actually, in my mind I'm about 30 :))) But don't worry, I am horrified of being one of those women who are 75 and dresses like 30!! :0 so I'm a bit conservative to err on the side of caution but free and frivolous enough to enjoy myself and my 'sparklies!!' :)))

  6. Ooh, and to that I MUST add that yesterday, Jes had a dr. appt. which we always turn into a trip to the nearby upscale mall. Walking through Nordstrom, I wanted to take a picture of a tall, 75+ woman with bootie stacked HIGH heels, tight shorts and a glittery tank top. Jes wouldn't let me take a picture with my phone. Shoot. :) Wonder how old she was feeling? (okay, wash my mouth out with soap)

  7. Oh this is a good one. I'm 46 most days I'd say I feel about 26. Days my back hurts I feel 66. Today is a 66. :o

  8. Well, considering it's my day off, I'm still in my PJ's, and I'm reading this post still curled up in bed...well, I feel...not 21, that's for sure. Lol. Or, maybe that's exactly how old I feel... haha.

  9. Today I feel like 80! I Lampworked 4 and 1/2 hours yesterday, then went swimming for an hour. Im so tired today! I feel like Im 26! Hey why not? LOL

  10. I am 37 and I feel like I am ready for my 40's...maybe I'll gain more wisdom? It seems I've been through the wringer in the past years, learning of course as I go, I've had all my babies so that's over, raising a teen and 2 pre-teens, so I feel I am ready for the next step..the next journey....I feel calmer as I approach my 40's. Is that normal?? But I feel young, and think young, so hopefully that will always stay with me! Great quote! xo

  11. Okay, let's age - early 30s. Actual age - 41. Feel like - uhm, 41 ;)

    Love that photo! Such exuberance ;)

  12. Ok, I don't have an ideal age ~ to me it is just a number and one I usually forget (not by choice, I just don't pay attention). I'm 34 (I just did the math). I know I have a long way to go, but I think that you can find joy and contentment at any age :) Each day brings a new challenge, opportunity to learn and happiness.

  13. I'm not sure I have an ideal age but probably in my early forties. I'm 56 and frequently feel about 10 years older-not good!

  14. I am actually 43. My physically demanding job makes me feel much, much older. Inwardly though, I feel much, much younger.
    I loved 30, would love to look and feel how I did then!

  15. I'm 45... but I feel like I'm 25 (most days not all). I wish I was 30. I can still do a cartwheel but the best years were that of those girls in the photo!! Happy and carefree!!!

  16. Love this quote..I'm 41..body feels 41..but my mind keeps me feeling 20is-30ish..still happy when I see birds fly above me and love to dance with my children.Warm regards,Cat

  17. Perfect age? 38
    Real age? 59 (!!)
    Feel like? About the same as I did in my 40's and that was pretty good!


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