morning and other thoughts

studio waterstone

morning sun.

studio waterstone

peace. quiet.

studio waterstone

and then I walk into my studio...

studio waterstone

and think...

studio waterstone

who could do such a thing? what creature is this? certainly no one I know.

How's your day looking?


  1. And while you look at that pile, all I can think is "oh, all those possiblities!" I mean, really, who can work in neatnes???? :)

  2. I'm happiest when I'm creating! Unfortunately/fortunately, I'm getting ready for my daughter's graduation and party, so too much cleaning needs to be more week and then I play to hit the studio with a vengeance!

  3. Cleaning, packing to go on a trip as soon as the kids get home from school today and trying so hard to get over this cold that is kicking my butt :(

    So nice to see the morning sun though, isn't it! :)

  4. I like your way of thinking, Courtney!

  5. Is that what sun looks like???? I don't even remember the last time we saw it. Oldest child home today and off to the Dr we go. I think I'm crabby......

  6. Once a boss of my from years ago told me a neat desk is a sign of an empty mind. I've kept that thought with me every time I see my bead table in such a disaster.

  7. Look at all of that beautiful leather yes I agree..all the possibilities! I hope the sun comes out today because I need good good light for torching! Comeon Sunshine you can do it lol...

  8. Wow!! Love that tree!!! You need to rest in that room for a little bit more than you can dive into the creative possibilities pile! :)))

  9. Couldn't agree more, Mary. And that tree is a ficus which has miraculously followed us through four different houses in three different states. Long live the ficus.

  10. Oh yummy goodness going on there with that pile! But I'll admit that I'm jealous of your sun on yet another weary, rainy day. (I actually had to turn on the *heater* under my desk at work. blah.)

  11. The evil fairies come in during the night and trash the place. Happens to me all of the time.


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