the mother lode

studio waterstone

I've discovered the secret to finding the mother lode of good stuff. Be sure to say this to someone, preferably your significant other, as you leave the house, "I'm sure I won't find anything today."

It's kind of like asking to share his plate because you're not hungry. You will inevitably eat most of his dinner, right? It works on the same principle.

studio waterstone

It's either that or the possibility that in my past life, I was in cahoots with, related to, or THE actual leather thrift fairy.

You HAVE heard of the leather thrift fairy, haven't you?


  1. Nice! I wish I could get my husband to part with his old motorcycle jacket. I'd send it to you!

  2. mmmm lucious shades of buttery softness.

  3. Do I have to click my heels together too? I'm going to try this!

    Happy Tuesday Lori!

  4. great finds,, oh cant wait to see what beauties you make with all this.

  5. A most excellent haul of cow hide :)

  6. Leather is an awesome material. But, then I think about cows and it just makes me sad after that. It's a guilty pleasure, I suppose.

  7. Wow! You really scored! These pieces will keep you busy for a while I'm sure. :) ~Val

  8. Awesome! That strap with all the flowers rocks! I can't wait to see what you do with that!

  9. Thanks Courtney. It's actually a belt with amazing leather flowers and metal links and I can't wait to take it apart!

  10. oh yeah! hoping for the thrift fairy as I go out with mom and sister today. congrats on your stash!


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