wednesday randomness and blog envy

studio waterstone eco friendly recycled leather handbags & accessories
Studio Waterstone seems to be addicted to red for some odd reason. Let's face it, a touch of red doesn't hurt anyone now, does it?


Blog Envy: Blogs,Banners, and Design

When you visit a new blog what's the first thing that pulls you in - the VERY first thing? For me it's the banner. After that, the content must be fun and fascinating. But it's the "front door" that is first noticed.

Here are a few ratha nice examples (as we say in the south).
I hope you agree.

folk city studio waterstone blog envy
style files studio waterstone blog envy
the lark blog studio waterstone blog envy
the lark blog

So tell me...

What grabs you first, design or content?


  1. Design pulls me in, but it is the content that keeps me coming back.

    And now I must know...are those rivets on the red leather? I'm loving that new design!

  2. I agree Kelley!

    They are rivets, but I didn't put them in. They decorated the front of a handbag that I took apart! Thanks for the idea though. I love the studs and I could add something similar with rivets. :)

  3. I'll look over a blog because of the design but I don't return unless there's content...just as Kelley pointed out :) Still, this is a huge reminder that I need a new blog header...maybe this weekend!

    Love love love the red, I almost bought myself a third pair of red shoes this weekend and talked myself out of many pairs of red shoes does someone really need??

  4. I do look at the banner first off. Color is important to me, but the content will keep me coming back.

    Red - everyone needs red in their lives!

  5. first the design, then the content. Like the other ladies said, I won't come back for design if the content isn't there.

    red is FAB - O!


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