tgif! oh, and a question for you...

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I'm feelin' it baby! It's Friday and there's a light is at the end of the tunnel!

Question: I'm searching, searching, searching for a FUN classic to watch tonight over pizza and beer (wine for me) with Mr. Waterstone. Any suggestions? We like to laugh.
We NEED to laugh. :)

Have a good one and we'll see you tomorrow with It's a Wrap: Studio Saturday.
Be sure to link up your creative escapades of the week.


  1. How about "It Happened One Night", a very old black and white classic.Funny though!

  2. I don't know if you like goofy stuff-how about Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Or The Princess Bride. How about Raising Arizona. All goofy, funny movies. Enjoy the weekend!

  3. "Blazing Saddles" makes me laugh like a fool. Another one that makes us laugh is the original "Vacation" with Chevy Chase.

  4. How about either Caddyshack, There's Something About Mary, Monty Python and the Holy Grail or Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

    Hope you have a great movie night.
    (dont forget the popcorn, it goes well with merlot)

  5. We have watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation soo many times but still laugh hard...Maybe it isn't really a classic but it is funny.

    Have a great movie date with your honey!

  6. When Harry Met Sally

    I'm not one for comedies - they rarely make me laugh.

    But I hope you find something you enjoy! That's my kind of Friday evening!

  7. Great suggestions everyone!

    If I want a laugh... have to LoVe
    Steve Martin, Chevy Chase & Martin Short... The Three Amigos... totally classic. & guys love them...

    for me... I love ... A Month By the Lake, Widows Peak & Enchanted April.

    My very favorite... Cold Comfort Farm... I guess that one is too much like family!!!! LOVE it!!!

  8. Ooh, all great suggestions. We'll have to see what Netflix offers. One of my favorites - Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I'm going to look up It Happened One Night. Hmm...

  9. I have to second many of the ones mentioned like holy grail and princess bride...I'm also a sucker for the first austin powers and so I married an axe murderer (which might be on netflix)...i'm not sure what types of classics we're talking about so I would have to add office space, anchorman, airplane, and funny farm!

    my sense of humor is also sort don't judge!


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