oreo, the lego wheel, and the key pouch giveaway

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Do you think that Sophie is my only companion? To tell the truth, while I'm upstairs toiling away, Soph usually sneaks to a quiet spot to snooze. Oreo, however, follows me EVERYWHERE. every. day. She usually has a Lego wheel in her mouth hoping I'll toss it. Then she retrieves. Yes, I have a cat who thinks she's a dog. She will retrieve that Lego wheel as long as you're willing to toss it.

Something else I'd like to tell you. Remember the most recent tutorial and giveaway? The one for the cute little key pouch? Sabine/Ann won. I cannot reach Sabine/Ann. She has two blogs. I've commented on both. I've contacted. Alas, she does not come to me. So, I'm giving her until this coming Friday. If I have not heard from her I will go back to my trusty list of entrants, head over to random.org, and pick another winner. Did you leave an accurate contact email???

Have a wonderful Sunday. Love your pet - or kid - or husband - or WIFE!
It's Sunday and it's all about the love.

As for me, I planning to spread the luv with - ahem - TurboTax.
How about you?


  1. I love your Oreo. We had a tuxedo cat that was quite a character too but he went to live in Heaven last year. You can't help but love the little rascals.

    Have a very nice Sunday.

  2. I luv white whiskers on cats!

    LOL you already know my address so let's just cut out the middle man. HA!

  3. Watch out with turbo tax this year. Two of my friends have had probs with a 'now' known bug about it rejecting ssn's of dependents...that have been previously accepted for YEARS on other tax returns :|

    I am still reserved in my feelings about Oreo, but love that she is a cat willing to fetch.

  4. Our cat Zoe has taught me to fetch her milk every night.

  5. Aww, Kelley, she really IS sweet. You just have to know EXACTLY when to stop petting her - or else. :)

  6. Woo Hoo! So excited to still have a shot at that sweet little pouch :) Oreo looks like a feline with quite the personality!

  7. OMG!!! So cute I miss having cats - I had 8 growing up. Oreo actually reminds me of my Boston Terrier...all pleased looking! I went out , bought some supplies,entered artbeadscene challenge and found a spanking new food store that look like Heaven!

    Happy Sunday!

  8. I had a black and white cat named Oreo too! Guess I wasn't so original. haha I still have her sister named Xena and she follows me and lays on my feet while I sew. Love that your cat fetches - never heard of that.

  9. Thanks for sharing your furry friend, and don't have too taxing a day.

  10. I'm happy for the winner...but would love another chance if she doesn't respond...it's totally her loss...I love your creations...and your kitty cat is adorable, too!!! ;-) HOPE you have a blessed day!


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