images of history

Our history. The Christmas tree is filled with it - almost twenty four years worth. It's so filled that I'm afraid it will tip over! Yet I refuse to eliminate even one single, tiny bit. Does your tree tell a story?

studio waterstone

studio waterstone

studio waterstone

studio waterstone

studio waterstone


  1. We have our share of Target ornaments on our tree. And while they are cool, it is the ornaments our kids have made that I love the best. I know in time, their numbers will grow and replace the store bought ornaments. Looking forward to that day :)

  2. Yes every year we buy ( ahem I buy) something to symbolize that year. I also have the boys baby spoons - cups etc and hang them on the tree. There is also a box for all the boys creations.....however this year my husband "organized" the attic and I could only find all the glass ornaments we haven't put on the tree since the boys were little. So this year we are living dangerously. Merry Christmas to you and your family Lori! XOXO, Patty

  3. Kelley, it does take years. You will accumulate more than you could ever imagine!

  4. favourite on my parents tree growing up were Snow White and the Seven Mutants - we kids loved them too much to let them go even as they fell apart.

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  5. I love the history that a tree tells! We received a Christmas starter gift when we were first married, including a quilted tree skirt, ornaments and lights. After 21 years and 4 kids we've accumulated a fair amount of ornaments. I finally bought some plastic bins and divided the ornaments between us and the kids. We don't put up all the ornaments anymore, but the kids can take their box and hang the ornaments that are special to them. And when they are ready to move out, they will have their special ornaments (although I may have to steal back all the sweet ones with their photos...)

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  6. I love your tree.
    Ours just started to tell a story after our wedding - we each bought new ornaments as sort of gifts that symbolized that year. Now, it's starting to get filled with my daughter's crafts and things she likes.
    I love a personalized tree, can't wait to see it in 24 years ;)
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  7. Each time I pull out an ornament I am reminded the the person who gave it to me, or where I brought it home from a special trip...or when my child made it and gave it to me! Isn't that what is REALLY is all about? Merry Christmas dear Lori =)


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