it's a wrap: studio saturday

Happy Saturday! Sorry for the lateness of the post, but I was waiting to find out who won the utterly spectacular giveaway yesterday! Drum roll, please...

Mixed Metals (and a couple of jewelry mags) goes to Gynna from GynnaB
Haute Handbags (and a couple of mags) goes to Deb from Jeremiah 29:11

Congrats girls!

Now for Studio Waterstone's Weekly Wrap-Up

I am going to visit my mom next week, so I tried to get a little ahead in the studio.
My week, otherwise, was pretty boring - just working like a little worker bee.
Here's what I did:

studio waterstone eco recycled leather handbags
studio waterstone eco recycled leather handbags

studio waterstone eco recycled leather handbags

studio waterstone eco recycled leather handbags

studio waterstone eco recycled leather handbags

studio waterstone eco recycled leather handbags

studio waterstone eco recycled leather handbags

That's my week! I'm always surprised in the end to see what I did.

What about your week? Did you journal your progress?
Join in. I'd love to see.


  1. I'm hoping to snag one of your gorgeous black jumbo bags closer to Christmas as a present to me!!! They are just amazing!

  2. Not much of a wrap up - I think I got food poisoning so I am glad to have survived the week!

    Bag A + Flowered wristlet = To Die For !!!!

    Happy All Hallows Eve ! PAtty

  3. ....well now I feel much better....the wristlet is MINE! Muwahahahahaha.....ahem

  4. Thanks soo much for the giveaway!!! I NEVER win anything, this is so exciting!

    I got a ton of things done this week... but I just cant prove it! Christmas prep and all... it will all appear in one huge lump sum!

    Thanks again Lori!


  5. Looks like a pretty good week to me. Love the bags!

  6. I LOVE how the tops of your bags are falling over to the side! I LOVE how there is a set of handles and also a cross body strap! I'm also having a very difficult time restraining myself from buying the new weathered brown bag with the red interior just so I can look at it all day long :)

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I'm sooooo excited!! I'll post about my win on my next Friday's blog as I'm gonna be helping our daughter out after her surgery this week!!!


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