wednesday's thought

Finish this thought:

waterstone eco recycled leather handbags & accessories by lori plyler

"I never thought I'd..."


  1. I never thought I would be a mom. Or play with fire. Or become part of corporate America and then stay for over a decade. I never thought I would get so out of shape or lose my flexibility. I never thought I would be so happy.

  2. I never thought I would find a true creative outlet and still be doing it 4 years later. I never thought that I would be ok putting myself "out there". I never thought that I would be so happy and content being a wife and mom.

  3. I never thought that I would be a single parent and raise my children without a mate.

    I never thought that I would be a probation officer.

    I never thought I would be able to buy a house by myself.

    I never thought that I would be this happy.

  4. I never thought I would be able to buy a house!

  5. I'll jump in here and add that I always knew I was an artist, always wanted to be in business for myself, but never in my wildest dreams or imagined professions did I think I'd design handbags. That one came out of nowhere! lol

  6. I never thought I would live in the same spot for over 6 years. I never thought I would start a home business. I never thought I would be a blogger. I never thought time would speed by so fast - how did my babies get so tall so fast?

  7. I never thought I would get out of the Army. I never thought I would be an artist, it was never a blip on my radar until 2004. I never thought I would live in one place more than four years and I never thought I would move back home to Indiana (moved my entire life). I never thought mom and I would go into business together and not kill each other. I have been so happy with where everything has gone and I am glad I took that left turn back in 2001 because look where it has brought me!

  8. I never thought I'd

    ...ever be published.

    ...want to have children.

    ...use a computer every single day.

    ...fall in love with anyone else but him.

    Love this!
    Enjoy the day!

  9. I never thought I would give birth to twins !!! I never dreamed I'd have four children !! I never dreamed I would be 46 and have no idea what the hack I was oing to be when I grew up !

  10. (goes with the picture of this post!) I never thought I'd EVER go diving. I used to be veeery afraid of being under water. Now I've taken an introductory diving course, and on our upcoming holiday I'm def. going snorkling. :)

    Julia / UlvDesign


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