lessons learned


Lessons learned. Or are they?

Sophie, who knows that I'll give her THAT LOOK, continues to roll.
She careth not and never learns - that's the good thing about being a dog.

Learning over and over again can be a good thing - something you continue to be amazed to learn OR the result of a bad thing - from years of experience, like Sophie and her habitual rolling.

So, how about you?

The lesson I keep learning over and over again is __________.

Okay, your turn. Tell me what you've learned.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. that is the funniest photo..
    from the tiny dashboard snap i thought, whoa that is one ugly
    ( sorry) marked dog..then i fell out laughing when i saw the big picture, not ugly at all ,just had a party suit on...dogs are the best.
    what i learn over and over..
    life is easier if i'm organized.

  3. haha! love that! and amen - you are so right.

  4. Love the photo - part of my husband's allure was that he had a great lab named Sandy - we've had dogs in our family ever since. The lesson I keep on learning...exercising always seems time consuming and un-fun, but in the end makes me feel so much better (I don't have this motivation problem with beads :-))

  5. Hee hee, just needed to voice my appreciation for the photo (and the relief that my pupper usually just rolls in grass)!

  6. For me? It's that I feel better when I exercise. I know that. I've proved it over and over again... and yet I still let the "don't wannas" get in the way constantly. D'oh!

  7. At first glance I thought the poor thing had porcupine quills all over her! Thank God she doesn't! Being cute lets you get away with anything.

  8. Oh my - that is too cute. :)

    As for what I learn over and over? never put off until tomorrow what I could have done today...

    ~ Laura (Moags)

  9. Love the photo and what did she roll in?

    My lessons, I have two.
    1. when my kids ask for a hug, always stop and give it to them. I always feel better afterwards.
    2. exercise - I never regret doing it and feel better afterwards.

  10. FYI: for those who asked. She rolled in dried bermuda grass - more or less every day last fall.

    It wasn't as bad as it looked, except that it needed a hair dryer to clean and she's terrified of hair dryers - so that was a fun experience.

  11. I'm going to add mine.

    The first thing that came to mind was how good I feel when I exercise, yet I never want to do it.

    Second - how good the house feels when it's clean. Never want to do that either. But that's more laziness than not knowing. :)

  12. When you eat icecream in the evening your tummy hurts in the morning... ooooooohhhhhh.......how does one resist Brown Cow from Tillamook???

    I'm with you Sophie.....

  13. I've learned I repeat stupid parenting mistakes more than I'd like to admit, but when I get it right the problems don't come back.

  14. Hahaha - how could you be mad at that face ??? I have learned it's best to hold your breath and count to three.....especially with kids animals and husbands.

  15. Lori, I second you with both your lessons and a big TA! to Judy for hers... made me smile (and too true!)

    My lesson is that the slower I go the faster I get there. It sometimes frustrates me but always works.

  16. She must have had so much fun. That photo is a hoot.

    The lesson that I learn over and over again is that I feel so free when I just go ahead and do what ever it is that I dread.

    Of course I relearn it only after putting it off as long as I can.


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