just for fun

Updates and other things - just for fun...

The holiday weekend is here! My model came home from summer camp without being expelled which is always a good thing. Now we're ready for a little family fun. I'm looking forward to seeing Mr. Waterstone, Jr. this week, too.

waterstone handbags lori plyler recycled leather

This week was incredibly busy for Waterstone. I fully expect life to slow down considerably now that the 4th is upon us. Among other things, I finished this custom recycled leather handbag. It's so cool. It has turquoise, carnelian, and freshwater pearls at the center of each "flower".

Totally unrelated but fabulously fun...

Learned how to make "cake in a cup" this week! It takes, literally, three (yes 3) minutes to cook in the microwave. So cool and it would be an awesome activity with the little ones. Heck, I'm old and I was thrilled. I got it from Karen over at The Art of Doing Stuff. I know, I'm quite stalker-y with the gal. But she does rock and on top of that, she's funny. While you're there be sure to check out this Frozen Yogurt Tampon post and especially the video. Hilarious!

Anywho, getting back to actual edible things. I know the thought of a frozen yogurt tampon may have thrown your mind out of whack but we need to focus, people. This is what I did with the cake in a cup...

Cake in a Cup

In a microwavable coffee mug add:
4 tbs. self-rising flour
4 tbs. sugar
2 tbs. cocoa
1 egg
3 tbs. oil (it calls for vegetable. i used canola)
3 tbs. milk

take a fork and whisk the heck out of it. Then add:
a nice little handful of chocolate chips. Then...

Microwave on high for three minutes.
(it's fun to watch how high it rises in the microwave. a little scary actually)


Now that my gluten-free model is home, we'll have to test it out with gluten-free flour. Hmm...

Okay, so that's it for a few days or even a week. GAH! I don't know if I can go without blogging for an entire week. I may die or go all postal which would really suck for our friends and totally ruin a legitimately fabulous vacation. So, any special plans for the holiday in your neck of the woods?

Until next week,
hugs and a multitude of wishes for safety and fun are being sent your way,


  1. Enjoy your celebration!

    I love this bag! It is an excellent combination of materials and colours. Bravo!

  2. That bag is great...Have a wonderful vacation.

  3. oh wow, that frozen yogurt tampon post had my snorting!

    Happy 4th to you, Mr (and Jr) Waterstone and the model!

  4. love the bag, you are a talent with the sewing machine!
    and thanks for sharing the recipe. i think i'll try for my kids...they will love it!

    hope you had a great 4th!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. this is SO lovely. i adore the detailing.

    hope you're weekend was wonderful :)

    xo Alison

  7. I am going to use that cake idea on our first rainy day - it sounds pretty awesome. I love the colors and flowers on this bag especially the little pearls !!! We plan to wade thru the heat wave here( 105 yesterday) literally in the pool. We were in it for hours. My fingers haven't been so wrinkled since I was 5 !

  8. LOL ! I read the frozen yogurt tampon post.... unfortunately my problem is more with bladder control while laughing at it ! Good One : )....perhaps she has a work out for clothes pin kegels.....I'll go back and check....

  9. News Alert on Cake-in-a-Cup! A dash of vanilla! A dash of vanilla! Try it with a dash of vanilla! Pretty, pretty purse by the way! Love it. - karen


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