new eco friendly handbags

Yay! We're beginning to see some progress in the Waterstone studio. I've finished a custom necklace/wrap bracelet which, if I must say (and I must) is gorgeous and four delicious, eco-friendly handbags. Here's a sneak peek. For more information on each item, just click the picture.

waterstone reclaimed leather handbags lori plyler

waterstone reclaimed leather handbags lori plyler

waterstone reclaimed leather handbags lori plyler

waterstone reclaimed leather handbags lori plyler

Wasn't my model especially pretty and cheerful looking today? What? Can't tell?
Take my word, she was. She didn't hit the cameraman woman once. :)

Until tomorrow.


  1. Beautiful pieces . Loving the one with the red flower the most.
    And yes - when the model smiles like that, it bright up the whole room :) (I truly believe she was smiling...)

    p.s. great new banner!

  2. Thank you so much for the banner compliment! I agonize ridiculously over things like that. Seriously, thank you. :)

    And she was kinda smiling. lol

  3. we like happy models! and LOVING the new bags :D

  4. Love your bags, Lori. You must know that since I own three! But the second one from the top is gorgeous!!!

  5. gorgeous! i love the last one.

    xo Alison


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