monday's recipe


It's time for Monday's Recipes. Grab one of your favorite recipes and join the party by adding to the list at the bottom of my post. Then be sure to visit others. The great thing about sharing recipes is that they're already favorites, tried and true.

My recipe choice for today is a bit out of the ordinary since April is almost over and we're moving away from the warmth of comfort food. However, we had an especially stormy Saturday and comfort food just makes me feel more, well, comfortable. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the stew, so I included a photo of my cork collection. (I like to write the date and occasion on each cork.)

This Monday's recipe, Louisiana Beef Stew, is one of our favorite family dishes, created by my grandmother. My father was born in New Orleans during the depression and spent many years there before moving to North Carolina. Louisiana Beef Stew is different from your typical beef stew. The addition of molasses and raisins adds an unusual sweetness to this savory dish. It's always a treat and I hope you try it out for yourself.

Louisiana Beef Stew

3 lbs. lean stew beef
3 tbs. plain flour (we substitute gluten free)
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. celery salt
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/4 tsp. garlic salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 tbs. oil
1 lb. canned tomatoes
3 medium onions, sliced
1/4 c. molasses
1/3 c. red wine or red wine vinegar
1/4 c. raisins
6-8 carrots, sliced
several large potatoes, diced

Dredge the beef in flour and seasoning and brown in oil. Add remaining ingredients and cook in a slow-cooker for 3-4 hours. You may want to wait until halfway through the cooking time to add the potatoes and carrots. Enjoy with crusty bread, a salad, and a glass of red wine.

Now it's your turn! Join in...


  1. Lori, did I do that right? (comfort food), anyway, hope everyone participates!!!

  2. that's the only recipe i had posted that was really mine...i think! haha!

    found you on etsy forums, come visit me too!


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